Pictured: Will Woodward, Nol Simonse, Raúl Torres-Bonilla, Sean Dorsey in process for The Lost Art of Dreaming
San Francisco, CA
Satellite Dancing Lab Residency Artist
Sean Dorsey is an award-winning San Francisco-based choreographer, dancer and writer. Recognized as the U.S.’ first acclaimed transgender modern dance choreographer, Dorsey has toured his work to 30 US cities.
Dorsey is the founder and Artistic Director of Fresh Meat Productions, the nation’s first organization to create, present and tour year-round multidisciplinary transgender arts programs. Fresh Meat’s award-winning programs include the popular annual Fresh Meat Festival of transgender and queer performance, Sean Dorsey Dance’s home season concerts and touring performances, national community residencies, internships and mentoring, and arts programs for emerging transgender artists and arts organizations.
In September and October of 2020, Dorsey and his company spent three weeks investigating new approaches to research and process during a satellite residency with NCCAkron.